Our Impact

Annual Impact Report: FWAC

As a Benefit Corporation, Fiber With A Cause delivers an annual Impact Report to the public each year for review in June. The Impact Report will reflect the previous years’ efforts, deliverables, and outcomes.

We envision a narrative of textile and fiber as luxury products and services. We pledge to give ownership and authorship to Black, Indigenous, and Hispanic Heritage [BIPOC] artists and creators who were innovators in science, keepers of history, and designers of ancient techniques. This change leads to a creative economy that reclaims forgotten or repressed styles and histories while expanding the textile and fiber artisans’ practice, skill, and education—making textile and fiber more sustainable and scalable.

Textile and Fiber
Knitting, Crochet, Weaving, Surface Design, and Embroidery

FY 2022

Advocacy and Education

Date Completed
June 2023